Enabling Digital Health Pioneers to drive technological innovations in healthcare was our ambitious mission for developing the »Transformative Digital Skills for Healthcare« program in 2020. Funded by EIT Health and developed jointly by three international partner organizations Universitat de Barcelona, Fraunhofer and Oxford University Hospitals NHS, the program has been rolled out in 2021. Manuel Bierwirth, Project and Platform Manager Business Analytics Healthcare at Merck Group was among one of the first participants to embark with us on this exciting learning journey and received the Transformation Certificate which covers a specific combination of three out of eight TDSH Program modules. Read here about Manuel’s journey as Digital Health Pioneer:
Manuel, you completed four modules with us and obtained the Transformation Certificate as one of the first graduates – congratulations! What made you choose our program?
I came across your program, attended one of the info sessions to get to know the experts and got hooked right away. The TDSH program is unique for its kind, I don’t know any other program that com-bines specific digital transformation and technology content over a 4 to 6 weeks period with practical use cases from the pharmaceutical field. So, I signed up for the Transformation certificate and started with the Machine Learning for Precision Medicine module later on.
So how was your experience learning with us?
I enjoyed the modules very much, they balanced Pharma and IT topics very well while covering real live needs and experiences of Hospitals and Healthcare providers. The instructors were well experienced and used interesting techniques to explain theories, such as small self-recorded short movies on specific topics.
In addition, I very much enjoyed the exchange with the other participants. One of the participants was a physician who joined our live session straight from the hospital and shared his experience about the theories, tools, and apps we learned about. The open exchange among the participants and instructors was interesting and highly valuable for everyone.
Manuel, you are a very curios mind by nature, studied Business Informatics, applied your skills at Merck in the field of Business Intelligence and completed your MBA in Pharmaceutics and last year continued with our Transformative Digital Skills for Healthcare program. What did our program enable you to do?
Well, on the one hand there are the knowledge and insights gained from the modules: In particular the Machine Learning for Precision Medicine and the Health Economics modules provided me with details I can apply in my work.
And on the other hand there is the valuable exchange with exciting professionals that think alike and strive for driving innovations. I truly hope, we can extend this network on long term.
As for the future of Healthcare, what would be something that you hope for?
There is so much potential in digital technologies to transform this field and deeply improve services and outcomes. But also, in addition to that, I would like to keep the real-world physical challenges in mind. Healthcare access is a worldwide challenge, but even If we look at Germany, healthcare cover-age in rural areas is getting worse and worse. It is important to bundle services, providers, and digital technology smartly while allowing accessibility.
Would you like to learn more about the specialisations? Choose the Transformation Certificate in Transformative Digital Skills for Healthcare
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Karla Sosa ist seit 2012 bei der Fraunhofer Academy im Bereich Internationales Bildungsmanagement tätig. Sie ist für die Konzeption und Durchführung internationaler E-learning Programme verantwortlich und betreut die Kooperation mit internationalen Partnern der Fraunhofer Academy.
Frau Sosa absolvierte 2006 ihren Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Economics & Political Science an der University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Arkansas, USA, und schloss 2011 an der European School of Business (ESB) Reutlingen ihr MBA-Studium mit der Fachrichtung Internationales Management ab.
2011 hat Frau Sosa bereits Ihre Masterarbeit zum Thema „Crafting a Cross-Cultural Strategy for International E-learning Products and Services: A Latin American Perspective“ bei der Fraunhofer Academy verfasst.